Inclusive Ownership: The Future of Community Investment

Bill HustonUncategorized


In the quest for sustainable community development, inclusive ownership emerges as a transformative strategy that empowers local residents and businesses. The RCI Community Fund (RCI) is at the forefront of this movement, championing models that ensure financial resources remain within the community, fostering long-term economic stability and growth.

Inclusive ownership isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a powerful tool for community empowerment. By promoting shared ownership structures such as community land trusts and cooperative ownership, RCI enables communities to take control of their destinies. This blog post explores the concept of inclusive ownership, the benefits it brings, and how RCI is leading the way in implementing these models. We will highlight real-world examples of inclusive ownership in action and provide a roadmap for other communities looking to adopt similar approaches.

The Concept of Inclusive Ownership

Inclusive ownership refers to economic models that allow community members to collectively own and manage local assets. This can include land, businesses, housing, and other resources. By ensuring that ownership and decision-making power rest within the community, inclusive ownership promotes equitable wealth distribution and sustainable development.

Key Models of Inclusive Ownership:

  1. Community Land Trusts (CLTs): CLTs are nonprofit organizations that hold land on behalf of a community. They ensure that the land remains affordable and accessible to local residents, preventing displacement and promoting long-term stability.
  2. Cooperative Ownership: Cooperatives are businesses owned and managed by their members. This model ensures that profits are distributed among the members, often leading to higher wages and better working conditions.
  3. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs): ESOPs allow employees to own shares in the company they work for, aligning the interests of workers and management and promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.

The Benefits of Inclusive Ownership

Inclusive ownership brings a host of benefits to local communities, including:

  1. Economic Empowerment: By keeping financial resources within the community, inclusive ownership models help build local wealth and reduce economic disparities.
  2. Community Stability: These models often lead to more stable communities, as residents have a vested interest in the well-being of their neighborhoods and are less likely to be displaced.
  3. Enhanced Civic Engagement: Inclusive ownership fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, encouraging residents to become more engaged in local decision-making processes.
  4. Sustainable Development: By prioritizing long-term community benefits over short-term profits, inclusive ownership promotes sustainable and equitable development.

RCI Fund’s Commitment to Inclusive Ownership

The RCI Community Fund is dedicated to promoting inclusive ownership as a core strategy for community development. Here’s how RCI is making a difference:

1. Supporting Community Land Trusts:

RCI provides funding and technical assistance to help establish and maintain community land trusts. By securing land for community use, CLTs ensure that affordable housing and other essential services remain accessible to local residents. For example, RCI recently helped launch the Greenfield Community Land Trust, which has already secured over 50 acres of land for affordable housing and community projects.

2. Promoting Cooperative Ownership:

RCI supports the development of cooperative businesses by providing seed funding, training, and mentorship. One notable success story is the Riverside Cooperative Grocery, which was established with the help of RCI funding. This community-owned grocery store not only provides affordable, healthy food options but also creates local jobs and keeps profits within the community.

3. Facilitating ESOPs:

RCI works with local businesses to transition to employee stock ownership plans, ensuring that employees have a stake in the success of their companies. This approach has been particularly effective in the manufacturing sector, where several local factories have successfully transitioned to ESOPs, resulting in increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Roadmap for Adopting Inclusive Ownership Models

For communities looking to adopt inclusive ownership models, the following steps can serve as a roadmap:

  1. Community Assessment: Begin by assessing the needs and assets of the community. Identify areas where inclusive ownership could have the most significant impact.
  2. Education and Engagement: Educate community members about the benefits of inclusive ownership and engage them in the planning process. Building broad-based support is crucial for success.
  3. Partnership Development: Develop partnerships with local governments, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholders. These partnerships can provide essential resources and support.
  4. Funding and Resources: Secure funding and resources to support the development of inclusive ownership models. This can include grants, loans, and technical assistance.
  5. Implementation and Management: Implement the chosen inclusive ownership models and establish management structures that ensure community control and accountability.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of the inclusive ownership models, making adjustments as needed to ensure they meet community needs and goals.


Inclusive ownership represents a powerful strategy for community empowerment and sustainable development. The RCI Community Fund is leading the way in promoting these models, demonstrating their potential to transform underserved areas into thriving, resilient communities. By supporting community land trusts, cooperative ownership, and employee stock ownership plans, RCI is ensuring that financial resources remain within the community, fostering long-term economic stability and growth.

Call to Action

As we look to the future, the need for inclusive ownership has never been more apparent. The RCI Community Fund invites you to join us in our mission to empower communities through innovative ownership models. Whether you are an investor, a community leader, or a resident, there are many ways to get involved and support this transformative work.

Visit our website to learn more about our initiatives, explore investment opportunities, and discover how you can contribute to creating a future where inclusive ownership drives community development. Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities for all.