Investment Crowdfunding: A Solution To Help Close The Racial Funding And Wealth Gaps?

Bill HustonAlternative Finance, Community Capital, Crowd Investing

Introduction  Entrepreneurship is driven by the entrepreneur’s ability to access the financing, support, and digital resources you obtain to impact your business’s success directly. In an ideal world, access to help would be equal,e maker’s output could be judged on comparable grounds. Unfortunately, as many black and business owners have found, this is not the case, and the effect of … Read More

Crowd-Max Leading The Development Of A Black Crowdfunding Ecosystem

Bill HustonAlternative Finance, Community Capital, Crowdfunding

Introduction The lack of capital for Black-owned businesses and founders, a well-documented fact, is an enormous issue that negatively impacts black businesses and the black community. Since the passing of the JOBS Act of 2012 and the new 2021 rules in the Reg CF space specifically, many of these Black businesses and founders want to enter this space. Many Black-owned … Read More

Investment Crowdfunding Can Close The Racial Funding Gap According To New Data

Bill HustonUncategorized

Introduction Black people have faced economic inequality for hundreds of years in this country. Still, the recent Black Lives Matter protests have made this generation-spanning problem into a hot-button issue of our present time. The data is clear and consistent the United States remains an inequitable society. The preponderance of data identifies this fact when connecting and investing dollars into … Read More

The Root & Vines Example of the Power of Black Crowdfunding Success

Bill HustonUncategorized

Introduction  I remember working on the Urban Fresh project creating popup farmers’ markets for underserved communities located in urban food deserts. This was a great idea that was garnering tremendous results, but getting funding was nearly impossible and totally controlled by a non-profit that had complete power of the purse. No matter what results came from the community engagement the … Read More

Investment Crowdfunding Is One Solution For Black Businesses to Fund and Market Their Businesses

Bill HustonUncategorized

Introduction To thrive in the modern business world it’s important to understand how to market your Black business and this is going to be even harder in the post-COVID-19 crisis small business environment. A recent American Dream Marketplace survey shows establishing customer relationships through marketing and promotion is the second-largest concern among Black business owners after securing access to capital. … Read More

Investment Crowdfunding Is a Powerful Community-Led Capital Aggergrtion Tool

Bill HustonUncategorized

A revolution in early-stage finance is changing the way the Black business communities relate to capital formation, real estate development, entrepreneurship, and job creation. Thanks to the passage of the JOBS Act of 2012, a new market is being created that will revolutionize how early-stage investing and community economic development works — It’s called Investment Crowdfunding! Bill Huston To this … Read More

Facebook Has A Black Problem The American Dream Marketplace Provides An Alternative Solution

Bill HustonAlternative Finance, Community Capital, Crowdfunding, Social Media

Introduction  The global social media juggernaut, Facebook, finds itself at the center of the lack of diversity in hiring controversy. Facebook’s family of apps garner nearly 3 billion monthly users worldwide. Still, internally, the social media giant is struggling to represent the diversity of those it serves. The lack of diversity in tech is well documented and a longstanding issue … Read More

Understanding The History Of The Present Systemic Barriers and How They Work

designraAlternative Finance, Community Capital, Crowdfunding, Social Media

Introduction The often and well-touted $1.5 trillion spending power of the Black community is very puzzling when in the same breath, we talk about the massive racial wealth gap that exists side-by-side. One big question I have is how is it possible to have all of the tools and trapping of the American dream, a highly coveted six-figure salary, an … Read More